Colorful Custom Decorative Finishes, Including Beautiful Murals, Faux Finishing, Venetian Plaster, Marbling, Trompe-l’œil, Cabinet Glazing, Cabinet Detailing, Furniture Artwork, Furniture Decorative Detailing, Wall Paper Installation, Wall Upholstery

New Home Gets an AMAZING Colorful Transformation! (Interior Design by Edith Barrera Interiors, LLC)
Before & After, Color Scheme Ideas, DECORATIVE FINISHES, Design + Build, Furnishings & Accessories, Interior Design, Residential, Wall Color
This new home was in need of a colorful transformation when we walked in. The walls were white, as were the ceilings. Look at the BEFORE pic, and you’ll agree. No worries! Our design team was happy to come to the rescue!
The owners love modern and contemporary interiors and rich, bold colors. Yay! (I LOVE […]

Mural Paintings
Color Scheme Ideas, Commercial, DECORATIVE FINISHES, Interior Design, Other Products/Services, Residential, Wall Color
Let us create a beautifully colorful, one-of-a-kind mural for any area in your home or business!
Elevate your home or restaurant interior design to stunningly elegant, unique and luxurious with a one-of-a-kind mural.
Murals can enhance and personalize any wall or ceiling in your home or business.
Cupolas are made for beautiful, colorful murals! […]